Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting Back Up

A few years ago I used to blog regularly at I must admit that blogging is a commitment. I enjoy writing though so it was fun for me.

Many people have asked me to start writing again but life has really changed for me in the last two years. My oldest daughter is in elementary school and I now have twin babies. I still have my private practice but life is much different. I spend a lot of time with my family and I am thankful for that.

I get to watch my twins learn new things everyday. I experience every little joy of motherhood in their accomplishments and attempts. Right now they are learning to walk. Today I smiled sweetly at them as I watched them take tiny steps and fall down. I love their persistency and how they never give up. After each stumble, they get back up and try again. At times they hold my hand for support and then they let go.

I learned so much from them today. Even though life may alter your plans- never give up. Whenever you get up, raise yourself up with confidence and hope. Your getting up is determined by your attitude. My twins would rather raise themselves to a higher level by walking versus crawling. When they stand more things are in their reach and they have a different view of their world.

I feel the same way...returning to work after a year off was a challenge. I've made a lot of changes for my family because they are important to me. I closed one of my locations, changed my schedule so that I can be home when my daughter arrives home from school, and I have my twins with me at all times except for when I am sitting in front of a client. Adjusting to this new life was tough because it appeared as if the easy way was to walk away from my passion. Yet, here I am all because I got back up, dusted myself off and re-evaluated my plan, and then moved forward with confidence. I'm so happy and I want you to be too. Now it's your turn to get up and get moving.

Have a sweet day,